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Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing are the two methods of marketing with the same goal. By promoting products and services, a business uses these techniques to convert leads and sales. Brand owners use them to reach their audiences and educate them on their brands. Both the methods have the same goal but differ in their approaches. Let’s learn about them briefly.

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing uses offline platforms to reach their audiences. Usually they attract mass audiences due to the lack of any custom target tool. Brands use mass media platforms such as TV ads, magazines, print media, newspaper, pamphlets etc to reach their customers. The main disadvantage of traditional marketing is that it’s a one-way communication, without retargeting the audiences.

What is Digital Marketing?

With trends and new technology, digital marketing has become the best marketing tool in today’s era. Audiences are targeted using the internet and smart technology. Since, users are getting more engaged on internet digital marketing platforms such as search engines like google, social media apps like facebook, instagram, linkedIn, youtube etc, marketers reach them using the same digital platforms.

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

Traditional MarketingDigital Marketing
DefinitionsTraditional Marketing uses traditional methods to reach mass audiences such as print media, TV ads, magazines, newspaper etcDigital Marketing uses internet to reach custom audience such as search engine and social media
EngagementThere is low engagement as there is no custom audienceHigh engagement is seen due to custom audience
ConversionsThere is slow conversion rate in traditional marketingHigh conversion rate is seen in digital marketing
EffectivenessThere is low effectiveness but more expensesHigh effectiveness and cost effective method
TargetingStandard audience is targetedCustom audiences are targeted on digital marketing platforms
TrackingThere is no tool available for tracking the audiencesProper tracking methods are available
ResultsThe process of converting potential customers for leads and sale is slowThere is a quick conversion and the results are live tracked
CommunicationSince mass audiences are targeted, it’s one-way communicationTwo-way communication is the main feature of digital marketing


Digital marketing has a leading effect as compared to traditional marketing. You can use these platforms for cost-effectiveness and reach new audiences with high potential of converting.

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